The Role Of Prayer In Bible Translation

How Your Prayers Can Bring God’s Word to Every Language

At Pray for Zero, we are on mission to rally a global movement of prayer warriors who are committed to pray for Bible Translation. We not only believe in the power of prayer, we believe that every follower of Jesus is called to pray as a part of fulfilling the Great Commission.

We pray specifically for Bible translation because it is essential to making disciples of all nations. Can you imagine having heard something about Jesus, but never having access to the Bible in your heart language? Would it be easy to understand His ways and His truth? Would it be possible to remember what He taught? No, it would not.

In fact, it would be very easy to mix Christianity with the cultural practices and traditions you grew up with. This is very common in many parts of the world where Seed Company and its partners are working to translate Scripture. For example in this Prayer Journal, we prayed for a project in Nigeria where 60% of people identify as Christian, yet traditional practices are still common.

Matthew 28:19-20 says “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” 

How do you teach them to obey everything He commanded if they can’t read or hear His Words in a language they know and understand?

To truly reach the world with the clear message of the Gospel, we must ensure they have the entire counsel of God in their heart language.

There are still approximately 1.5 billion people on the planet without the full Bible in their heart language. And there are millions of people without one single verse. There is much work to be done. This is why we pray. We cannot all become translators in remote villages, but we can all pray. 

Here are three ways you can begin actively praying for Bible translation:

  1. Sign our prayer wall and receive our weekly Prayer Journal in your inbox so you can pray daily for needs around the world.
  2. Join an Unceasing Prayer hour and pray along with others for the Bibleless.
  3. Lead an Unceasing Prayer hour and rally your community to learn about and pray for Bible translation.

We could be the generation to translate God’s Word into every language. Your prayers can make this happen.

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