당신의 자리를 차지
역사 속

우리는 하나님의 말씀을 모든 언어로 번역하는 세대가 될 수 있습니다. 당신의 기도가 이것을 가능하게 할 수 있습니다.

사람들이 기도하고 있습니다... 함께 해주세요

백만 에 하나가 되십시오

    첫걸음을 내딛고 기도의 벽에 서명하여 주간 기도 일지를 받아보세요.

    성경 번역이 필요한 이유

    어둠을 밝히다

    성경 번역은 삶의 변화로 이어집니다. 말씀으로 연합하여 함께 우리는 사회적 불의, 비인간화, 절망과 같은 성경적 빈곤의 결과에 대해 세계적인 입장을 취할 수 있습니다.

    기도는 하나님의 전략이다

    예수님, 성경 번역 운동을 가속화하고 힘을 주십시오. 당신의 말씀의 빛 으로 어둠에서 열방을 구하십시오.

    성경 번역가들의 생명은 날마다 위험에 처해 있습니다. 누가 그들을 위해 기도하고 있습니까?

    영적 요새는 여전히 하나님의 말씀을 놓치고 있는 종족 그룹에 대한 성경 번역이 시작되는 것을 막습니다. 누가 그리스도 안에서 악의 영들에 대항하여 설 것인가?

    그들의 언어로 하나님의 말씀을 받아 예수님을 만나고 희망을 찾은 실제 사람들을 만나십시오 .







    시작 하나의 기도

    모든 여정은 첫 걸음부터 시작됩니다.
    하나의기도를 말하고 당신의 것을 가져 가십시오.

    제로 커뮤니티를 위한 당신의 글로벌 기도

    전 세계 그리스도인들과 기도로 연합

    에밀리 줄리

    "제로를 향해 기도하는 다른 이들과 함께하는 공동체의 격려."

    알렉시스 채프먼

    “기도로 우리는 제로에 도달합니다. 아직 도달하지 못한 모든 민족이 자신의 언어로 성경 전체를 읽을 수 있는 가능성을 갖게 될 것입니다.”

    셸리 피스터

    “나는 아무것도 얻기를 바라지 않습니다. 대신 저는 특히 기도를 통해 하나님의 말씀이 모든 나라의 모든 사람에게 번역되도록 하는 일에 작은 역할을 하고 싶습니다.”

    에밀리 줄리

    "제로를 향해 기도하는 다른 이들과 함께하는 공동체의 격려."

    알렉시스 채프먼

    “기도로 우리는 제로에 도달합니다. 아직 도달하지 못한 모든 민족이 자신의 언어로 성경 전체를 읽을 수 있는 가능성을 갖게 될 것입니다.”

    셸리 피스터

    “나는 아무것도 얻기를 바라지 않습니다. 대신 저는 특히 기도를 통해 하나님의 말씀이 모든 나라의 모든 사람에게 번역되도록 하는 일에 작은 역할을 하고 싶습니다.”

    역사에 당신의 자리를 차지하십시오. 제로를 위해 기도합니다.



    Caritina Gutierrez has never been to school, and she doesn‘t understand much Spanish. But she takes great joy in communicating in Zapotec, her mother tongue.

    Most mornings, after preparing for the day, this mother of seven opens the tall, red wooden doors of her palm-roofed home in the Oaxacan village of San Blas Atempa. She sits on the wall outside. Motorcabs, pedestrians and vagrant dogs pass by. She watches, she smiles at people … and she prays.

    Given the opportunity, she will share the Gospel with those who stop to speak with her.

    “Very frequently when I come over, there is a lady sitting there crying with her,“ says her son, Rolando. “Many people come to my mother for counsel.”

    Caritina carries a New Testament in Zapotec. “God speaks my language!“ she says. “I can preach God‘s Word, and everyone can understand right away.”

    Her favorite verse is John 15:7, “But if you remain in me and my words remain in you, you may ask for anything you want, and it will be granted!“ (NLT)

    What has God given Caritina that she asked for? In a community where men are known for alcohol abuse, her husband and seven sons have all accepted Christ. And each of her sons married Christian women.

    “I wanted to see all our family in front of a church worshiping God, and God did it,“ she says. “He is bringing transformation in my community.”

    Update: Caritina went to be with the Lord. Yet, her legacy and love for Christ still impacts many.



    God’s Word now shines deeper and brighter in southwest Ethiopia’s Omo Valley, thanks to people like Berki. As he rode his bicycle from village to village, sharing Bible stories one-on-one, his fellow Hamer people felt comfortable around him. They knew he was one of them.

    But in another way, he’s set apart. Years ago, when the time came for his tribe’s violent rite of passage to manhood, he took a stand. He chose his new faith, even as his family threatened his life.

    “I know that God called me for his purposes,” Berki said. Helping to translate oral Bible stories and then sharing them in his Hamar language strengthened his faith as he gave “reason for the hope” within him, according to 1 Peter 3:15.



    When Diego nears the coast today, the smell of salt air takes him back more than 20 years to a time when he was 14 and striking out on his own to find work on the banana plantations.

    When he arrived at his destination, the hardworking teen quickly landed a job. Just as quickly, he also landed new friends … in a local gang.

    Today, fading tattoos on his body mark his two-decade journey serving this brotherhood. He’d not planned to live a life of violence, crime and alcoholism. But after a time, he didn’t want to hear about any alternative.

    “My mind was just too rebellious,” Diego says. “Many people talked to me about believing in Jesus. I had been in jail in Guatemala in 1994 and even before.”

    Finally his lifestyle led to a crisis. Diego’s belly began to swell. Before long, he was doubled over in pain that grew worse and worse. A trip to the hospital brought some relief, but also a disturbing diagnosis.

    “It’s cirrhosis,” the doctor said. “And it’s incurable.”

    “So I looked for some other ways to heal my life,” Diego says. “I never found any. I suffered for a long time. Then I remembered about God. I looked for Him to see if He really existed.”

    Diego fasted and prayed for three days.

    “Wednesday, Thursday, Friday — I prayed for two hours a day,” he says. “I talked to God and asked Him to forgive me. I was in much vice. I was lost and I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t have any escape. So I said, ‘Lord, if you really exist, heal me, because I can’t take it anymore. Otherwise I will kill myself. I don’t want to suffer anymore.’”

    On the third day, God answered Diego, healing the cirrhosis and freeing him from addiction. Diego gave his life to Christ that day. “I automatically quit drinking,” he says.

    That was eight years ago.



    Caritina Gutierrez has never been to school, and she doesn‘t understand much Spanish. But she takes great joy in communicating in Zapotec, her mother tongue.

    Most mornings, after preparing for the day, this mother of seven opens the tall, red wooden doors of her palm-roofed home in the Oaxacan village of San Blas Atempa. She sits on the wall outside. Motorcabs, pedestrians and vagrant dogs pass by. She watches, she smiles at people … and she prays.

    Given the opportunity, she will share the Gospel with those who stop to speak with her.

    “Very frequently when I come over, there is a lady sitting there crying with her,“ says her son, Rolando. “Many people come to my mother for counsel.”

    Caritina carries a New Testament in Zapotec. “God speaks my language!“ she says. “I can preach God‘s Word, and everyone can understand right away.”

    Her favorite verse is John 15:7, “But if you remain in me and my words remain in you, you may ask for anything you want, and it will be granted!“ (NLT)

    What has God given Caritina that she asked for? In a community where men are known for alcohol abuse, her husband and seven sons have all accepted Christ. And each of her sons married Christian women.

    “I wanted to see all our family in front of a church worshiping God, and God did it,“ she says. “He is bringing transformation in my community.”

    Update: Caritina went to be with the Lord. Yet, her legacy and love for Christ still impacts many.



    God’s Word now shines deeper and brighter in southwest Ethiopia’s Omo Valley, thanks to people like Berki. As he rode his bicycle from village to village, sharing Bible stories one-on-one, his fellow Hamer people felt comfortable around him. They knew he was one of them.

    But in another way, he’s set apart. Years ago, when the time came for his tribe’s violent rite of passage to manhood, he took a stand. He chose his new faith, even as his family threatened his life.

    “I know that God called me for his purposes,” Berki said. Helping to translate oral Bible stories and then sharing them in his Hamar language strengthened his faith as he gave “reason for the hope” within him, according to 1 Peter 3:15.

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