Little Hands, Big Impact: Empowering Kids to Pray for Bible Translation

Kids raising their hands in Ethiopia.

Adults often make things more complicated than they have to be. We like to control, manage, and maintain every detail of our lives with the goal of producing the most desirable outcome. While our motivations are usually good, we can easily get caught up in things that don’t matter without realizing it.

Children, on the other hand, keep things simple. They are not logically analyzing every decision they make— rather, they are chasing a lighting bug into the bushes, detouring from the sidewalk to splash in a puddle, and letting chocolate milk run down their brand new shirt because they can’t drink it fast enough.

Jesus knew that children have some things figured out that adults need to learn from. We see this clearly in Matthew 18:2-4: 

“He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven (NIV).”

We will do well to take these words of Jesus to heart. In our efforts to mobilize global prayer for the Bibleless, we want to not only become like little children, we want to empower children to lead the way in prayer. That is why we are thrilled to announce the launch of Kids Pray for Zero

As part of our launch, we want to share three simple ways you can come alongside your kiddos and help them pray for the Bibleless around the world:

1. Create a daily rhythm of praying for the Bibleless with them.

Children typically thrive with some routine and being able to anticipate what’s coming. Perhaps during breakfast, you can read to them a short clip out of our weekly Prayer Journal that corresponds with that day. And then you can pray together for one of the prayer requests listed. We encourage you to find the time of day and method that works best for you and your kids. 

2. Make it personal to their world.

Every child has a unique way of communicating and seeing the world. For them, it may be hard to comprehend that there are kids just like them in other parts of the world that do not have the Bible in their language. Look for little moments where they are fascinated with something or a story (i.e. their favorite kids tv show, a friend they love to talk about, etc) and use that moment to tie in conversations about what it’s like to be a child without the Bible in their language. You can say things like “What if your best friend had never seen Bluey? Would that make you sad? Just like that makes you sad, it should also make us sad that kids around the world have never heard of Jesus or read the Bible. Let’s say a prayer for those kids right now.” Helping connect their hearts to a story they can understand can help them begin to grasp stories that are a little more foreign.

3. Get them involved.

Kids are creative and love to do something that is their idea. Ask them to think of a simple way they can remember to pray for those without the Bible every day. Is it while they’re brushing their teeth? You could print out a few Pray for Zero Kids resources and tape them to their bathroom mirror. Is it while you are reading a bedtime story to them? You can get out their children’s Bible as a reminder to pray for kids who have never read a single verse. Asking them to think about it (and maybe giving them a few suggestions) can help inspire their little hearts to take ownership and feel like they are doing something important (because they are).

We are excited to see kids step up to the plate and lead the way in praying for the Bibleless! We believe their little hearts will make a big impact, and we are just here to cheer them on.
Be sure to check out our new Pray for Zero Kids website and resources!

Kids' feet in Botswana.
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